MCE for Effutu – Hon. Alhaji Zubairu Kassim mobilizes Assembly Members on Operation clean your Electoral Area EFFUTU MCE CHARGES WOMEN TO USE SKILLS TRAINING TO ADVANCE THEIR CARREERS MCE for Effutu Hon. Alhaji Zubairu Kassim together with Methodist Reverend, Very Rev. Isaac Kwesi Acquah , Mr Mr Bondzie Sey hands over a renovated 6-Unit School Block with ICT Lab and a Library to the Effutu Education Directorate.On 17th of February 2022, the Municipal Chief Executive Hon. Alhaji Zubairu Kassim at his private Residence called all Assembly Members MCE for Effutu- Hon. Alhaji Zubairu Kassim receives donation of books and educational logistics from Awutu-Effutu Association of Southern California to be given to Basic Schools In Winneba.On 17th February, 2022, MCE for Effutu Hon. Alhaji Zubairu Kassim met with the Consultant for the construction of Winneba Landing Beach Project. MCE for Effutu Hon. Alhaji Zubairu Kassim meets with a team from Land Commission, led Central Regional Lands Commission Chairman, Mr. K.K. Danso.MCE for Effutu Hon. Alhaji Zubairu Kassim meets with a team from Land Commission, led Central Regional Lands Commission Chairman, Mr. K.K. Danso. 37th Farmers Day Celebrations and Agricultural fair was held on 26th November, 2021 @ Essuekyir – Winneba. Chaired by Essuekyir Chief with the Special guest of Honor MCE for Effutu – Hon. Alhaji Zubairu Kassim.
Theme: Planting for food and Jobs – Consolidating the food system in Ghana.MCE for Effutu Hon. Alhaji Zubairu Kassim chairs Zonal Council meeting for Kojo Beedu, Low Cost, ESSUEKYIR, Gyahadzi @ EMA’s Auditorium on Wednesday 10th November 2021.MCE for Effutu Hon. Alhaji Zubairu Kassim chairs Zonal Council meeting for Kojo Beedu, Low Cost, ESSUEKYIR, Gyahadzi @ EMA’s Auditorium on Wednesday 10th November 2021.MCE for Effutu Hon. Alhaji Zubairu Kassim Chairs Stakeholders Consultation meeting on Medium Term Development Plan for 2022 -2025 on 4th November, 2021 held @ windy lodge – Winneba.Stakeholders Consultation meeting with Winneba’s Ministers Fellowship on Sanitation Chaired by Omanhene Neenyi Ghartey VII and Supported by MCE Hon. Alhaji. Zubairu Kassim.MCE for Effutu Hon. Alhaji Zubairu Kassim Chairs Stakeholders Consultation meeting on Medium Term Development Plan for 2022 -2025 on 4th November, 2021 held @ windy lodge – Winneba.Lands Commission meets with Hon. Alhaji Zubairu Kassim (MCE) and Mr. Kofi Boateng-Acheampong (MCD) to discuss matters relating to the management of vested Lands in the Gomoa Ajumako Traditional AreaKassim and Supported by the MCD Lawyer Kofi Boateng-Acheampong.Hon. Alhaji Zubairu Kassim (MCE) for Effutu together with Lawyer Boateng-Acheampong (MCD)and the Presiding Member donates Motorbikes to the Assembly Members for the Effutu Municipality to help them work Effectively and Efficiently.DPAT. Effutu takes turn on District Performance Assessment Tool today Chaired by the MCE Hon. Alhaji Zubairu Kassim and Supported by the MCD Lawyer Kofi Boateng-Acheampong.DPAT. Effutu takes turn on District Performance Assessment Tool today Chaired by the MCE Hon. Alhaji Zubairu Kassim and Supported by the MCD Lawyer Kofi Boateng-Acheampong.MCE for Effutu Hon. Alhaji. Zubairu Kassim together with MCD Lawyer Kofi Boateng-Acheampong on behalf of the President pays a courtesy call on Omanhen of Effutu Traditional Area – OMA Odefe Neenyi Ghartey Vii with assorted drinks on 21st October, 2021 @ Omanhen’s palace.EFFUTU MUNICIPAL ASSEMBLY FARMERS DAY CELEBRATION AND AGRICULTURAL FAIR SCHEDULED TO HOLD ON 26th NOVEMBER 2020.
Hosted And Chaired by Hon. ALHAJI ZUBAIRU KASSIM.(MCEFarmers day celebration Committee Inauguration. Chaired By MCE Hon. Alhaji. ZUBAIRU Kassim.MCE for Effutu Hon. Alhaji. Zubairu Kassim together with MCD Lawyer Kofi Boateng-Acheampong on behalf of the President pays a courtesy call on Omanhen of Effutu Traditional Area – OMA Odefe Neenyi Ghartey Vii with assorted drinks on 21st October, 2021 @ Omanhen’s palace.Farmers day celebration Committee Inauguration. Chaired By MCE Hon. Alhaji. ZUBAIRU KassimMinistry of Finance & Local Government Service together with the TREE team pays a working visit to Effutu Municipal Assembly for monitoring of TREE Project since it’s inception in 2018, Chaired by MCE. Hon. J.B. Ninson. Municipal Education Oversight Committee Chaired by MCE Hon. Alhaji. Zubairu Kassim meets to discuss Analysis of B.E.C.E and Mock Exams on 14th October, 2021 at A.M.E. Zion Church in Winneba Municipal Education Oversight Committee Chaired by MCE Hon. Alhaji. Zubairu Kassim meets to discuss Analysis of B.E.C.E and Mock Exams on 14th October, 2021 at A.M.E. Zion Church in Winneba MCE for Effutu Hon. Alhaji Zubairu Kassim was present at the Launch of the first edition” BUILDING A NETWORK OF AFRICAN MASTERS TRAINERS IN NEURODEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES” which was held at Gloriaka Hotel in Winneba. MCE for Effutu Hon. Alhaji. Zubairu Kassim toured with Engineer in charge of Effutu Constituency inner roads to check the progress of work ahead of the ECOWAS Summit on 4th October, 2021. Introduction of the Newly Appointed MCE Hon. Alhaji Zubairu Kassim to the various Heads of Department in the Municipality.Confirmation and Swearing in of President Nominee for Effutu at Assembly’s Office Complex.Revenue Mobilization Training held at Assembly’s office complex led by the MCD Mr. Kofi Boateng Acheampong supported by MFO,MBA,MIS & HR.Budget Committee Meeting Chaired by the MCE. Hon. J.B. Ninson and Supported by MCD Mr. Kofi Boateng Acheampong.Newly Appointed Central Regional Minister pays a working visit to Effutu Municipal Assembly.Effutu MCE : Hon. J.B. Ninson Together with his Staff distributes items to Person With Disability (PWD’s) in the Municipality. Items were procured with money from the Municipal Disability Fund of the Assembly.IGP Commissions Ntkofam & Nsuekyir Police StattionInauguration of Unit Committee & Zonal Council by Hon. J. B. Ninson @ EMA Assembly HallM.C.E Hon. J.B. Ninson Pays courtesy call on NIxon Paper Factory Executives MCE. Hon. J.B. Ninson together with Police Commander & Health Director meets with Family Heads in Effutu to help curb the spread of COVID-19 in Effutu Municipality @ WoarabebaStakeholder Consultation on the construction of Fish Landing Sites Prison yardDeputy Transport Minister: Hon. Daniel Nii Kwartei Titus Glover. Central Regional Minister: Hon Kwamena Ducan